Interesting Things About Me
I love being a storyteller. Being the author of Pigsquealia and the Biggest Cabbage makes me proud.
I like to be playful.
I like inspiring children to do great things.
I like peanut butter on bananas.
I have worn many hats for my work.

Pigsquealia takes your child on a fun adventure among the magical mountains of the Last Frontier, Alaska, where the sun shines in the summer for almost 24 hours and where the vegetables can grow to over 100 lbs.! For teachers: This book would be a wonderful addition to your library. It hits the social emotional connection and can be used in Social Studies.
This story is a whimsical adventure told by Reporter, Gab, the moose, who works in Palmer, Alaska. You will find the story celebrates animals and children who have the courage to be themselves, accept others as they are and knowing being different is their superpower.